The National Heritage Institute is the largest contributory organization of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. Current laws, especially the State conservation of monuments law, entrust it with a number of professional tasks related to state heritage care.
Objectives and Mission of the National Heritage Institute
The activities of the National Heritage Institute can be divided into two basic areas:
- professional guidance in the care of monuments and heritage-protected areas, including related research and development
- the management of a collection of accessible cultural monuments, especially castles and chateaux, which are under the direct administration of the National Heritage Institute

Ms. Goryczková was appointed Director-General of the National Heritage Institute in December 2008. In this capacity, she is striving for modernisation and greater openness of the institution. She specialises in research and restoration of monuments of modern architecture.

Its administrative staff coordinates the activities of the entire institution, while the professional staff (monuments managers) are responsible for the care of national cultural monuments and methodically guide colleagues from the territorial departments.

Publishing activity
Publishing activity is one of the most important communication "channels" of the National Heritage Institute. Through it, we present important topics of monument conservation and individual monuments to the public, inform about new developments in the field and address questions concerning both theory and practice.